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Our Contributors

Dr. Susan D. Day

Research Assistant Professor of Urban Forestry

Department of Forestry

Virginia Tech

228 Cheatham Hall

Blacksburg, VA 24061

Tel: (540) 231-7264

picture of Dr.Harris


Hello, I am on the faculty of the Forestry Department at Virginia Tech, in Blacksburg, Virginia. My research is in urban forestry and urban soils. My goal is to uncover practical information to improve tree health and canopy cover in urbanizing environments.

Current projects include evaluating a tree-based stormwater management system using engineered soils, modeling soil influence on canopy development and urban ecosystem function, and urban soil rehabilitation.

I am a member of the International Society of Arboriculture Science and Research Committee and the soils committee for the Sustainable Sites Initiative. I have a B.A. from Yale University, a M.S. from Cornell University, and a Ph.D. from Virginia Tech. I am contributing to the modules most closely related to fundamental soil science. 




Dr. Bill Bauerle

Dr. Richard Beeson

Dr. Ted Bilderback

Dr. Susan D. Day

Sarah Dickinson

Dr. Roger Harris

Dr. Chuan Hong

Dr. John Lea-Cox

Mary Lorscheider

Dr. David Ross

Dr. Andrew Ristvey

Dr. John M. Ruter

Dr. Tom Yeager