Dr. David S. Ross
Professor, Extension Agricultural Engineer
Department of Environmental Science and Technology
1431 Animal Science/Agricultural Engineering Building
University of Maryland
College Park MD 20742-2315
Tel: (301) 405-1188 |
David S. Ross received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. His doctoral work was a production operations study of bedding plant production, documenting the manual and mechanical operations in the flow of materials through a greenhouse operation. Later, masters degree students worked on developing mechanization or labor saving tools and procedures to make the tasks of transplanting and handling materials easier for the workers.
In 1973, he joined the faculty of the University of Maryland at College Park, where he is Extension Agricultural Engineer. He has conducted educational programs and demonstration research in horticultural engineering with the fruit, vegetable, nursery and greenhouse industries. More recently, his research and extension program is focused on nutrient and water management for nursery and greenhouse operations, focusing on water management in irrigation and storm water flow.
Since 1973, he has published 20 refereed journal articles, 12 conference papers and 29 extension book chapters, and has over 240 trade, web and other articles to his credit. In the last five years, he and the Maryland team have given over 50 invited presentations on water and nutrient management and distance learning techniques, over 50 contributed presentations at various national and international conferences. He and his colleagues have been awarded six national and international awards for their work. He is active in the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.