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Regulatory Information for Virginia

Department of Conservation and Recreation

Virginia's Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) coordinates and directs programs and services to prevent degradation of the Commonwealth's water quality and quantity. DCR works to manage both urban and agricultural nutrients found in fertilizers, manure, municipal sewage sludge and other sources so that they retain their efficient use yet don't impair the quality of Virginia's ground and surface waters. DCR also has a program to certify private and public sector nutrient management planners. Nutrient Management Training and Certification Regulations, which govern the program, were finalized in January 1996. The regulations stipulate requirements for certification and criteria for nutrient management plans developed by certified individuals. For additional information, please contact your local Office of Soil and Water Conservation Program.

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Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service

One of the major services the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service (VDACS) provides is to administer assigned environmental protection laws and regulations to protect the environment from pesticide misuses, plant insects and diseases, and to protect endangered plant and insect species.

Personnel in the Office of Plant and Pest Services are responsible for ensuring compliance with the Virginia Pest Law, the Virginia Plant and Plant Products Inspection Law, and the Noxious Weed Law. Regulatory Inspectors conduct a variety of activities, including inspections of nurseries, plants, and plant products for export. They respond to invasive insect, plant and plant disease introductions; work to protect Virginia's endangered species and enforce agricultural quarantines.

The Office of Pesticide Services provides support to VDACS and the Virginia Pesticide Control Board. By certifying applicators, registering pesticide products, and issuing pesticide business licenses, this office permits the safe and effective control of pests that attack your crops, structures and health and that of your domestic animals. Its Certification, Licensing, Registration and Training staff can assist you with applying for, and renewing, your commercial or private applicator's certificate or pesticide business license, or registering a pesticide product in Virginia. They also can advise you of the requirements for certification training courses and inform you of the date and location of approved courses. In addition, for those who use pesticides in the production of agricultural plants on farms, in forests, nurseries and greenhouses, they can assist you in meeting the requirements of the Worker Protection Standard and reducing the risk of pesticide-related injury to you, your family or the people you employ.




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